are you ready to minimise the impact of menopause on your workplace
and optimise the health & permormance of your workforce?
Here are some options:
Menopause Awareness & Education
3 × 1 hours lunch & learns
- 1 hour Understanding menopause
- 1 hour Nutrition & lifestyle to improve symptoms
- 1 hour Menopause support group
Menopause workplace support
8 week support programme
- 1 hour Understanding menopause
- 1 hour Nutrition & lifestyle to improve symptoms
- 1 hour Menopause support group
- 2 hour menopause guidelines workshop
Embed into company culture
Menopause ultimate support
Complete 6 month programme
Everything in Workplace support programme
12 week group health coaching
Improve menopause symptoms with a personalised health & nutrition programme
- 1 x 90 minute + 6 x 60 minute sessions
- Weekly email check-ins and support
- Ad hoc 1:1 email or phone support
Group coaching for 10 people
What to expect in the sessions:
Lunch & Learns
Lunch and learns are a good way to start normalising conversation about menopause in the workplace and encouraging a culture of diversity and inclusion. All ages and genders should be encouraged to attend.
Learn about perimenopause and menopause, the signs and symptoms, how it can impact women at work and what support can be provided so they can perform to the best of their abilities. Breakout groups are tailored specifically to your working environment. Advice is provided on how menopause symptoms can be improved through sustainable diet and lifestyle changes and options available for employees. Q&A session included for all attendees.
Menopause CAfe
A safe space where employees can discuss their symptoms and experiences of menopause with others and get support through what might be a challenging time. Menopause can be isolating and employees shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. By talking about symptoms and getting support, anxiety can be reduced and morale and well-being boosted. A health coach will facilitate the session and offer support and advice.
Menopause Guideline Workshop
An Interactive workshop generating ideas and best practices to develop menopause guidelines and practical work place adjustments specifically for your workplace. Guideline template will be provided. Menopause guidelines are a useful document ensuring that all employees have a reference point to go to or signpost others to when menopause discussions arise.
Employee health Coaching programmes
Tools and advice to enable employees to thrive in menopause so that it doesn’t impact their career and they can perform at their best. Health coaching sessions are personalised to the individual to improve their menopause symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle. Sessions can be 1:1 or group coaching for up to 10 people per group. Sessions include an evaluation of health history, symptoms and an analysis of current diet and lifestyle. We partner with them to develop a personal health improvement plan to ease symptoms and support a long healthy life. We use coaching tools to help define achievable health goals and support employees with guidance, motivation and accountability to meet their goals and create healthy habits for life. This proven model uses 5 key pillars to achieve health improvement results:
At the end of the programme employees will see a transformation in their health and improvement in their menopause symptoms. This usually leads to reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and performance at work, improved energy and motivation and enhanced overall health & wellbeing.
If you want to enhance employee performance, improve retention and reduce absenteeism while supporting the health & well-being of your employees, take the first step today.