Holistic Solutions for Menopause Relief
Navigating the journey of menopause is an experience that can bring about significant changes in both body and mind. It’s a time marked by hormonal shifts, and for many, it comes with both physical and emotional symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, weight changes, and sleep disturbances.
As a health coach specialising in menopause, I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous women, helping them to find relief, balance, and a renewed sense of vitality during their menopause transition.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is commonly prescribed to help with menopausal symptoms, but many women prefer not to take HRT or can’t take it for medical reasons, it is not suitable for everyone. There is also a small but relevant associated risk of HRT causing cancer.
One of the most empowering approaches to support your menopause and improve symptoms is through holistic wellness. Rather than focusing solely on treating a specific symptom, holistic methods aim to address the root cause and bring harmony to both the physical and emotional aspects of this life stage. That’s why I’ve partnered with a group of experienced professionals in acupuncture, hypnotherapy, yoga and breathwork, all of whom share my belief in a balanced, whole-person approach.
Acupuncture offers a gentle yet effective way to support hormonal balance and ease symptoms like hot flushes and anxiety. Hypnotherapy can help reframe the emotional challenges that often accompany menopause, promoting mental clarity and emotional resilience. Yoga and breathwork, with their focus on mindfulness and movement, are powerful tools for stress relief, improving sleep, and maintaining physical strength and flexibility. Meanwhile, nutrition plays a crucial role in nourishing the body with the right vitamins, minerals, and phytoestrogens that support hormonal health. And simple lifestyle changes, from improving sleep hygiene, managing stress with self-care rituals and staying active can make a world of difference to your health and well-being and your quality of life day to day.
In this 3 part blog series, we’ll explore these holistic approaches in greater detail, offering practical advice and insights from my expert partners in each field. Together, we hope to empower you with the knowledge and tools to embrace menopause with confidence, using a comprehensive and nurturing approach that honours your unique journey.
Meet Nicole our expert hypnotherapist:
Hi, I’m Nicole Valens, I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and have been in private practice for 10 years.
MindMatters Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Nicole Valens BA (hons), MA, OADip, DipHypCS, AdDipPC MNCPS (Acc.).
Website www.steppingstoneshypno.com/
As a hypnotherapist, I became fascinated by research into how hypnotherapy can help reduce symptoms of menopause. I discovered that in clinical trials, hypnotherapy was found to be 74% as effective as HRT for reducing hot flushes and night sweats – without any side effects!
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy, designed to help the client reach positive goals that they have set with their therapist. It works by utilising our natural ability to get into a trance state, which makes us much more open to suggestions and change.
A trance can feel a little like that lovely, relaxed feeling you get when you are just drifting off to sleep, your mind is wandering freely, and you can barely feel your body on the bed.
When we are in this lovely relaxed, focussed mindset, the rational, cognitive part of our brain is dampened down, and our subconscious is much more active. Researchers have carried out brain scans which show this happening. Using hypnotherapy, we can directly access the subconscious, bypassing our rational thought processes. The subconscious is the part of the brain responsible for emotions and moods, habits and thinking patterns. It is also connected to the hypothalamus, which controls body temperature and is the part of the brain responsible for hot flushes and night sweats.
How can Hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing many of the symptoms of menopause including hot flushes, brain fog, and sleep disruption. Research has shown that focusing on cooling imagery whilst in a state of hypnosis gives women greater control over hot flushes and can help prevent them altogether.
Sleep disturbance is a common problem among peri-menopausal women, with up to 70% reporting poor sleep. As well as helping to control night sweats, which can really disturb sleep, hypnotherapy can help promote more restful sleep or overcome insomnia. Listening to a soothing self-hypnosis audio at bedtime can help you switch off and drift into a lovely deep slumber.
Hypnotherapy can be hugely effective in increasing your self-confidence and reducing anxiety. By giving back a sense of control, it provides you with a sense of agency over this transition period, allowing you to feel calmer and more relaxed generally.
Hypnotherapy is also great at supporting a weight-control diet. Using hypnotic suggestions, you feel more motivated to eat healthily and do more exercise: invaluable in the fight against the dreaded ‘meno-belly’!
Hypnotherapy can be carried out in-person or through online sessions. A hypnotherapy session typically takes up to an hour, and most people benefit from 4-6 weekly sessions.
You can also try self-hypnosis. At MindMatters, we have lots of self-hypnosis audios available to listen to at a time that suits you. Have a look at our selection here: www.steppingstoneshypno.com/shop-1
To find out more about how hypnotherapy can support you through your menopause journey, or to book an appointment, contact Nicole on 07905 288046 or email at hypnostones@gmail.com.
Meet Yvette our expert Acupuncturist:
Hi I’m Yvette Masure. As a practicing Acupuncturist for 30 years .. now semi -retired….
I know from firsthand experience that acupuncture an ancient and long tried and tested therapy, is one of the most natural and effective treatments, for the worst symptoms of menopause.
* Hot flushes .
* Irregular mendes, or none.
* Erratic emotions including irritability, fear, grief, frustration and anger.
* General exhaustion.
Menopause at its extremes.
Embracing Eastern Traditions and Breaking Western Silence
In the East menopause is looked at as a natural part of woman’s life cycle and is associated with the concept of yin and Yang. The association between Yin and Yang is based within the Yin representing the cooling nourishing and receptive qualities, while Yang represents the active warming and outwardly focused qualities. During menopause there is a shift from a predominantly Yin state to a more balanced state of yin and yang .
It is also seen as time of rebirth and renewal in the East. It is seen as a right of passage, and women are often viewed as entering a spiritual awakening, a time of transformation : often regarded as wise elders and are often honoured for their contributions to their communities .
In the East, menopause it is often seen as a time of empowerment and even celebration, in the West silence and stigma. Women have tended to suffer without a voice until recently in the west.
Traditions help to embrace the transformative journey of menopause with grace and confidence. The silence and stigma is broken, wisdom and resilience comes with menopause.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient therapy to rebalance and re-align the body systems organs and general dis-ease that we find as we grow older: and especially during the ‘change’ as menopause is sometimes known as.
So acupuncture involves a wrist pulse reading on both sides of the body, tongue diagnosis, and symptoms case paper. These relate to the five elements and energies within the body and its systems earth, metal, wood, fire and water.
The acupuncturist from these diagnostics is able to find out what is energetically, full or empty, what is sharp or soft, what is overactive or under active and rebalance these qualities holistically, through specific chosen acupuncture points on the body. A personalised treatment plan is created.
Between 2 to 9 needles can be used and are placed on acupuncture points on the organs Meridian system on areas of the body. It is painless and almost enjoyable, once the imagination and fear is satisfied. In fact, it’s a very pleasant experience generally for most and the results are proven and recognised.
Many years ago the husband of a client visited me with a warm embrace and bunch of flowers. “You have saved my marriage” he exclaimed. “I cannot thank you enough.”
I said “thank my angels : the needles”
By Yvette Masure Lic Ac .2024
See Part 2 of this article - Yoga and Breathwork for Menopause. Plus, part 3 - nutrition and lifestyle for menopause is coming soon …. Come back on 14th October to learn more